28 January 2009

Record-setting snow, as read about from Florida

Keeping tabs on the snow-situation at home. Kind of wish I was there but no one believes me when I say that. At least I can be sure that there will be plenty of snow when I get home...IT's been great to spend the time down here post-race with my brother, but I'll also be ready to tackle some more projects when I get home...(including getting some more project pics posted on here...)

In anycase, its not quite a record but there is lots of snow on the ground...

26 January 2009


Well, just checking in back on the status at home...looks like when I get back from (sunny, etc...) Florida,there will be some white stuff hiding the car at the airport...

16 January 2009

Dormer-room update

Forgot to have posted an "after"--or at least "as it is now..." shot from the dormer closet into reading or lounging or whatever room.

'dome A-glow

Not that I've actually got the x-mas tree off my porch (at least it's outside!) yet, but I didn't want to get too far past the season without including a shot of the place with the xmas lights+tree going on....

I was kidding before, I guess

I didn't know it, but I guess I was kidding yesterday.

NOW it's really cold out. Just happy to have everything (hopefully...) that I need in the house, and hoping that all systems keep working as they should. I accidentally caught some local news last night, and they mentioned "over 265 closings" and delays for this morning. Given my current work load, it's possible that I might not have made it outside anyway, but now that is definitely an ambition, keeping warm inside...

15 January 2009

Now that is cold....

As predicted, things got a little chilly to go with the snow that we got. Here's a shot out the back window just before sun-up. You can almost see the cold...

Stocked up as much as I could think of to dig in and not do too much quality time outside, for any reason!

07 January 2009


Lots to report on around here with many holiday visitors and some work on the front bathroom floor and also in the back bathroom to free up some sunlight...not to mention still working out what the best couch layout for the LoveSac is...but very busy here after returning from Daytona for the test.

So in the meantime, enjoy this photo of Monty Burns apparently enjoying a LoveSac of his own, or at least a very large bean bag. There IS a difference...