Well, adding to the list of "I can do that," or it might be more accurate to at least say I'm adding to the list of "...I've tried to do that...once..." Set off to upgrade the downstairs bedroom/office, with the thought of a nice hotel room in mind. Stole the paint color for the room from yet another home improvement show. But we'll get to that later.
For now, here are the fist steps in my bed-building debut; thanks for the how to and inspiration from Todd Oldham's book "Home Made Modern," a recent library borrow...
Started with just some plywood and some plumbing parts for the legs (base to screw in the 8'legs, which were fresh enough from the plumbing supply store to make my hands all black when screwing them in), and got my first experience with "counter sinking" for drilling, once I learned what that was...
Up next...stain fun...