26 August 2008

Try, try again

I must like killing things. Or am just a pretty slow learner. Here we go again....


Fire needs, fuel, oxygen, and heat to exist. Plants seem to need water. And witness this death of the Pottery Barn porch we were aspiring to. Guess those books have people living there and making sure plants don't die. Quite the concept

Three (and a half...) weeks gone

If I had a dog, this site would make them anxious, no doubt...

20 August 2008

Ikea, after

Ikea, Before

oops, I did it again.

Double up shower count

The Dome has always had two showers, but just one that worked. Well, one that worked if you were the demanding type who always had to have hot water in your shower. So thanks to Lance at BR Plumbing, we got that sorted out, and did a little pre-emptive maintenance by converting the piping downstairs to, um, I forget what its called. Pecks? Maybe...it's like rubber, but its not. And it never clogs up. * But the shower count has doubled as a result..

*They aren't actually sure of that, but it for sure doesn't clog as quickly as the previous alloy/metal pipes...

Clearydome at night

Some passing traffic during a May rainstorm...