Every first Saturday of the month, there is a
Broad Ripple Village Association village clean-up. They give you trash bags, rakes, litter-picker-upper-things, and usually some coffee, and folks just walk around cleaning up the area.
Even though it gives one some serious pause about your fellow man kind-really, is it that hard to just hold onto the container of what you've just consumed until you get to a trash can? Really? Oops. tangent--It is obviously a satisfying thing to do. I tend to go to the canal--photo to follow--and clean up around the banks as there tends to be a lot of launched litter (and also duck-eggs) there.
As I was doing this, I kept hearing cow-bells and encouraging cheering and clapping. I'm a fast one, and figured out there was a race going on. After initially feeling like I'd missed a good local saturday am race (last time I did that was the 5-miler on Labor Day),
once I found out that it was the Monumental Marathon, I was happy to be just picking up trash.

This, though, is the best way I think to experience a marathon. From behind the wheel of a convertible…