OMFG a cool bathroom
29 April 2009
22 April 2009
What exactly is that table?
Turns out, the 'sort the mail and stack the old papers table' in the main entry room is actually also a "pool table," also known in some parts as a billiards something or other.
Of all the advice anyone's given me about how to keep things in good shape, there is probably none that I've taken more seriously than the pool guys, who said "keep this thing covered whenever you are not using it."
So, it's been tightly under cover for months at a time, but I recently cleared it off and shot around, now that the drum set isn't quite as in the way...
Reset the Drum-Set
Moved the old neighbor-relations machine over to a spot that's a lot easier to get to than before, when it was wedged into the corner behind the pool table.
Alas, after more testing, discovered that the location of the set sadly doesn't change the fact that I barely know how to use the thing. All my previous band mates are now nodding in agreement.
Could this be the most amazing Clearydome development yet???
Another round of IKEA loot
Peddling the Bike
14 April 2009
You know, I thought I heard something crashing last night...

"Disaster in the Dome"
Well, not quite, particularly when you hear about Tennessee and Italy, but it was a bit of a setback to discover this morning what all that clatter was about in the middle of the night.
Looks like I'm going to need to add another bracket or two, not to mention maybe THIS is the motivation I needed to get more of these un-used clothes off the rack and over to Good will...
Not going to really be able to tackle this until I get back, alas...
"Other Closet"

So the goal here is to make a closet out of the un-used space by the entrance to the upstairs bedroom. By putting everything here, I was able to clear out the hanging storage in the doormer room and hopefully, by having everything out like this, I'll be motivated to clear a bunch of old stuff out.
I had to buy a special saw blade to cut the ("Real Organized") chrome rod down five inches so it would fit in there, which it did just perfectly in spite of my lack of measuring prowess. It was kind of fun, tons of sparks and all that, although it did smell awful for some reason. Used dry wall anchors for the four brackets I mounted to hold the rod.
Also, the plan is to hang a wire and then some kind of sort of sheer liner to make it a little more out of sight...until I get the big closet built...
Dome-only decorating

Now, I won't comment on how it is that not one, but two different samples of the seat-belts that flight attendants use to show how they are used got into the Dome.
I won't because obviously I have no idea. We'll assume that they were left behind by the previous owner.
While they may seem like a useless keepsake of an un-enjoyed flight, that doesn't mean that they are actually devoid of purpose once they are in the Dome.
There are in fact plenty of uses for them, and most recently they were deployed as part of the window treatment effort. As much as the goal of the window program was to create an ideal environment for the one or two times a year one gets the chance to sleep in, it was also important to have the light come in at other times.
So...the perfect solution, as not only do they keep the curtains out...they can very quickly (" releasing the buckle...") can be changed to set the room to "full dark...."
Thank you, USAir, Northwest, Delta, er, I mean, previous owner!!
Now, I won't comment on how it is that not one, but two different samples of the seat-belts that flight attendants use to show how they are used got into the Dome.
I won't because obviously I have no idea. We'll assume that they were left behind by the previous owner.
While they may seem like a useless keepsake of an un-enjoyed flight, that doesn't mean that they are actually devoid of purpose once they are in the Dome.
There are in fact plenty of uses for them, and most recently they were deployed as part of the window treatment effort. As much as the goal of the window program was to create an ideal environment for the one or two times a year one gets the chance to sleep in, it was also important to have the light come in at other times.
So...the perfect solution, as not only do they keep the curtains out...they can very quickly (" releasing the buckle...") can be changed to set the room to "full dark...."
Thank you, USAir, Northwest, Delta, er, I mean, previous owner!!
2, no, wait, 3 BR!
Not quite...but the nephew nook did get a bit of an upgrade following the Easter Ikea visit. A "Solsta" couch, which has a scale such that it could have been built by lilliputians, is a perfect fit for the dormer room. It also folds out to make it ostensibly an extra bedroom. In fact, it's the only bedroom on the top floor to have its very own door.
It also makes a good morning coffee/reading area as the windows face east. I have plexiglass to mount next to said windows to make them a little more "air-tight" but that wont happen today....
11 April 2009
Happy Easter!
Mission Accomplished

The upstairs bedroom window is wonderfully big. But even though it points East, it still does what windows do, namely let in light. This is great. Except when I'm trying to get my weekend late sleeping in on.
So, window treatments it is. I was nervous when I was installing the rod holder brackets, knowing that not only was I screwing into what was mostly just plaster, but also, too, that it was plaster that I'd put there. But so far, so good and it's held...
SO the trim around the window is done, and so now, too, are the curtains for when I'm looking to really go for an S Anson style full system shut down. Thanks to K man and Heather for the on the fly consulting.
Note the photos. Dramatic illustration--two photos I call... "Dark with shades closed" and "Light with them open."
05 April 2009
Big, Important Project

UPDATE--Project CD 0409-6H--
Got the hammock out and gave it a good soaping and scrubbing to get it ready for another stint outside, and then got it hung up between the trees.
Looking forward to hopefully getting the chance this summer to do some relaxing and musing about the mooted roof top bar for the Clearydome.
Lights, please

Another new addition-some solar-powered LED lights for the front and back yards.
Shooting them up into the trees (which will have actual leaves, soon enough...) is kind of a good look at night. Still not sure about using them up front, as they obviously make a lot less light than the powered ones, but that might not be a bad thing. Also, they are free to run, so that's a good thing.
Scratch and Sniff
One last trip
Since this guy is related to leaving the dome rather than things happening there, technically this is a non sequiter. But I do want to give (it's hard to believe, but I never actually gave this inanimate object a name, not that that happens too Clearydome...) this suitcase, pressed into duty sometime in 2003, a big send off. From Vancouver to Copenhagen to Surfers Paradise to plain old Mid-Ohio, this guy has been everywhere.
But it's time for a new one, and I knew that I wouldn't pull the trigger on a new one until I got rid of this guy. So here he is on the way to his next life, with a stop at Goodwill before heading off once again for parts unknown. Thanks, Eddie Bauer!
Donna Say, I do...
I was home for a weekend-one of say 6 this year--so tried to make the most of it. It turned out to be a pretty Stellar Saturday.
The Bartles and James Rocking Chairs are great, but Donna made a great suggestion to make them a little more on the earth tones side of things to go with the new look of the Dome. Made use of the lack of wind, got some "Satin Espresso Brown" spray paint, did some cleaning, priming, and multiple coats..and ...ta-da! Can't quite see it in this after shot, but the brown is remarkably close to the new trim color.
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