Well, let's call it "Rain Barrel 2.0" Last year's deployment of of the RainCatcher 2000* was pretty successful. I barely used the water from the house to keep things growing in the back yard.
However, my extraction method was pretty poor. Namely, I'd unload water into a bucket, and then take the bucket to wherever I was watering. Paging caveman. So while it was a good way to re-use water, it also made me feel pretty stupid, suspicious that there might just be a better way somewhere out there.
Indeed, this year I am targeting two improvements-1) use this "gravity" situation to my advantage, raising the barrels and attaching much longer hoses to them so I can just water away without having to carry anything. 2) Last year, the mosquitoes were pretty bad, since it was kind of like I was hosting a party for them all summer long. But I've got "mosquito rings" in them this year, so we will see if that works....I can already testify that they seem to be better, but it's early yet...
In anycase, this is a much better set up and even though (see below) I do have the outside faucet up and running, this is a good way to put the rain water to good use...
Fairly slopping looking in this photo, I know...but lets just call it "for illustrative purposes...."
*actual name.