30 September 2008

Flaky buyer

Craigslist is awesome.

Let me just be clear about that.

People, however, are not always awesome. So, when I decided that I wanted a bed that took "less visual space" in the bedroom (can I quote myself here?), that I wanted to be responsible about it and actually flick my bed#1 before getting something new (or just different...).

So I CL'd it, and got a buyer, got a price, and set up a day for her to pick it up. So I went ahead (the bed was going nowhere w/o being broken down to get out of the room, down the stairs, and ostensibly, into a car. Although I'd be funny to see a fully built four post bed in the back of a pick up truck driving around) and took the bed apart for pick up.

Alas, she got nervous about her ability to put it back together and after I declined her offer to go over and help her (after not being able to figure a good way to first ask, "um, so, are you cute?") assemble it, she never posted to pick it up.

So, now I get to sleep on the floor like the guy who has no job that I am. On the right is the bed, in it's current state...It is, suffice to say, still for sale. And, it's already ready to be picked up!

Shedding some light...

Finally got around to getting rid of the circa 1950's or some such light (on the right...), and thanks to some training from Tim, had a run at "wiring" at home for just the second time. I'm sure that future generations will have similar disdain for this design as I did for the first set of lights, but for now, it's a decent upgrade. If anything, this light doesn't serve as a storage facility for dead bugs, which the previous one did excellently. Nothing like looking up at a bunch of dead bugs.

Backyard attention

Tried to catch up on a summer's worth of weeding in an afternoon...didn't quite work. At least, though, with the cool-off, there weren't any mosquitoes biting.

23 September 2008

Color shots

Harbinger of whats to come once again; better make sure the blower is working for fall...

Couple of photos...

Going through shots...from LAST fall...

16 September 2008

Winter office

Similar story in SGM winter head quarters, as receipts and other debris were apparently just left to fend for itself here until recently. Probably not something I should put on the internet, just incase I become a VP pick or something.

Organization, please...

It really shouldn't be so amazing to have the stairs/closest place to throw mail before packing for a flight, cleaned off. But after a summer on the road, so it goes...